The Aleph Institute’s Operation: Enduring Traditions services the unique needs of Jewish members of the United States Armed Forces stationed worldwide. We provide a full palette of offerings for Jews serving in every branch of the US military – from free books and holiday supplies, to our in-house magazine, The Jewish-American Warrior, as well as personal guidance and advocacy. The Aleph Institute is also the nation’s largest Endorsing Agency of Orthodox rabbis for the US military chaplaincy.
Bringing the Light of Torah to Those Who Serve

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A new partnership between the Israel Defense Forces and the Aleph Institute will ensure…

A Lay Leader’s Life at Sea
By IS1 Steven Douglas, US Navy Retired I identify with many others who have…

The Field Is No Different
By LCpl Menucha Greenwald, USMC There have been several times when I have found…

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The Aleph Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing religious and spiritual needs, supplies and support for Jews who serve in the US military. Join our incredible work by donating generously today.