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Aleph Correspondence Courses

Aleph Champ: Hebrew Reading and Writing

Learn how to read and write Hebrew! This course will help you read from a Siddur (prayer book) and Chumash (Bible). You’ll receive a reader as well as a workbook. The program is divided into 8 levels. Translation, grammar, and modern Hebrew are not included in this course.


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The Art of Parenting

As parents, we worry about the well-being of our kids; about their future, and about our role in shaping it. In The Art of Parenting, we scale the challenges that face us as parents and explore timeless insights from Jewish wisdom to instill values, foster independence, and ensure the long-term success and emotional well-being of our children.

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Beyond Belief

Our beliefs color the way we see the world and help us to make sense of the inevitable challenges that confront us. The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute’s  Beyond Belief: Reflections on Jewish Faith, Reason, and Experience, is designed to help students take a closer look at how Jewish beliefs can help bring meaning to their lives and guide their choices.

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Bible for the Clueless but Curious

Designed to teach and entertain both the beginning bible student as well as the advanced one, this class explains the Torah’s stories and lessons in a new, easy to read, and exiting approach. This class chronicles the events in all 5 books of the Torah, while also explaining their relevance to today’s day and age.


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Chumash Bereishis: A Chassidic Perspective on the Book of Genesis

Study the first book of the Five Books of Moses on an entirely new level by peering into the Chassidic lens. This course is sure to give you a whole new outlook into Creation and the lives of our forefathers.


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Chumash Shemot: A Chassidic Perspective on the Book of Exodus

Study the second book of the Five Books of Moses on an entirely new level by peering into the Chassidic lens. This course is sure to give you a whole new outlook into the Egyptian Exile and Exodus.

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Chumash Vayikra: A Chassidic Perspective on the Book of Leviticus

Study the third book of the Five Books of Moses on an entirely new level by peering into the Chassidic lens. This course is sure to give you a whole new outlook into the complex but fascinating details of the Tabernacle and the little-understood spirituality of the sacrifices.

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Chumash Bamidbar: A Chassidic Perspective on the Book of Numbers

Study the four book of the Five Books of Moses on an entirely new level by peering into the Chassidic lens. This course is sure to give you a whole new outlook into the Jewish people’s sojourn in the desert.

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Chumash Devarim: A Chassidic Perspective on the Book of Deuteronomy

Study the fifth book of the Five Books of Moses on an entirely new level by peering into the Chassidic lens. This course is sure to give you a whole new outlook into Moses’ fascinating final speech to his nation.

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Code of Jewish Law 1

“The Abbreviated Code of Jewish Law Volume 1” is the classic guide to the everyday observance of Jewish law. It was written by Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried, and was first published in 1864, and reprinted hundreds of times since then. This text is an abridged yet comprehensive version of the original Code of Jewish Law. It begins by guiding a person from the moment he awakes, and continues to do so throughout the day. This incredibly practical guidebook directs its reader on how to best go about his day in a manner that encourages he reach his potential physically, spiritually, mentally, and morally. Having the opportunity to learn it is a gift to be cherished.


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Code of Jewish Law 2

“The Abbreviated Code of Jewish Law Volume 2”, is the second volume of the classic guide to the everyday observance of Jewish law. It was written by Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried, and was first published in 1864, and reprinted hundreds of times since then. This text is an abridged yet comprehensive version of the original Code of Jewish Law. It begins by guiding a person from the moment he awakes, and continues to do so throughout the day. This incredibly practical guidebook directs its reader on how to best go about his day in a manner that encourages he reach his potential physically, spiritually, mentally, and morally. Having the opportunity to learn it is a gift to be cherished.


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Crime and Consequence

In Crime and Consequence, we explore 3000 years of Jewish wisdom concerning criminal convictions, sentencing, crime prevention, and rehabilitation. We challenge our thinking, pondering the application of Talmudic principles to real and complex, modern-day cases, and we get to the heart of the questions.

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Ethics of our Fathers

“Ethics of our Fathers” is a compilation of teachings from the Rabbis responsible for drafting the Mishna, the first written rendition of the Oral Torah. Of the entire Mishnah, Ethics is unique in that it is the only tractate of the Mishnah dealing solely with ethical and moral principles and their applications in every day life. Learning Ethics of our Fathers enables us to enrich our interpersonal relationships and lead the best lives we possibly can by implementing the words of timeless wisdom from our scholarly sages.


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Flashbacks in Jewish History

The story of the Jewish people is a story of a nation that has contributed to world history far more than might be expected from its small numbers. Indeed, it is remarkable how often the Jews have been found at the epicenter of world events. This course looks at the Jewish encounter with other cultures in light of what these interactions have meant to us as Jews. The protean ability of the Jewish people to adapt to wildly different contexts has growing relevance to all of us as we enter an era of globalization and increasingly permeable borders.

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GPS for the Soul

GPS for the soul is a course that translates and explains the classic book Tanya, written by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the original founder of Chabad Chassidut. Tanya offers comprehensive coverage of the knowledge and guidance that is relevant to the life of every Jew. Its timeless message reveals how every individual is so much more – an intrinsic, precious par t of the complete, expansive and wholesome fabric of the universe. This translated Tanya is a fundamental work on the teachings of Chassidut, saturated with enduring wisdom. If you ever find yourself wondering about the deeper meaning of life; if you ever grapple with the unique questions and the practical implications often asked by Jews; if you desire to strengthen your Jewish knowledge and awareness and if you truly seek an encompassing approach to all these life-enhancing queries – then this course offers tremendous insight.

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Happiness: The Ladder Up

How can I be happy? How do I cope with the challenges and tribulations that consume my life? This course will give you the tools and method how to achieve ultimate happiness.


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Jewish Essentials

What we do and why we do it. The body of Judaism and the soul within. This eight-week course will investigate the sources and meaning of the essential elements of active Jewish life.

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Journey of the Soul

Who hasn’t wondered what happens when we die? We know what happens to the body. But what happens to the soul at birth and again at death?
Is there really a “better” place after this one?
Do our loved ones continue to connect with us?
Can I relate to an afterlife if I’m not spiritual?
At once practical and powerful, reflective and relatable, Journey of the Soul teaches a Jewish perspective on life that begins before birth and lasts well after a person’s passing.

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Kabbalah of Time

Examine time and the Jewish calendar through the mystical lens of Kabbalah. Time is a profound organizing element of our existence, and the cycle of the Jewish calendar provides a powerful template for personal growth. Discover both a practical understanding of the structure of the Jewish calendar as well as mystical insights into recurrent patterns of time.


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Kosher for the Clueless but Curious

Incorporating a lifestyle change such as keeping kosher can be daunting at first glance. Never fear! This course teaches the aspiring student about Kashrut from the ground up. This is a perfect choice for the student who wants to know more about what it means to keep Kosher and why it is important. Additionally, this course strives to help students of all levels and backgrounds find comfortable levels of observance for their situation.


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Messiah Mystery

No idea in human history has inspired so much hope or ignited so much debate. It is the dream that has motivated prophets, poets, sages and mystics. It is the basis for the beliefs of billions across the globe.
What is this Jewish ideal, “Mashiach” – the Messiah? Where is its source? When did it become so important to Judaism? Why? How is it relevant to the here and now?

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My Prayer

Prayer allows humans to connect with the infinitely powerful creator of the universe. This class teaches the basics of Jewish prayer and explains its meanings by following the text in the Siddur (prayer book). For both the experienced and those who are just learning, this class helps broaden the understandings of a person’s connection to G-d. Additionally, this course strengthens the student’s gratitude for the multitude of kindnesses that G-d does for all of His creations.


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Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbos

Why do we tend to focus on what’s urgent instead of what’s truly important? Imagine. 24 hours of digital silence. No phones. No computers. No TV. Just valuable time with the people you love, to do all the things you’ve needed to do but never quite found the time for. We invite you to explore the mystical, psychological, social, and cultural dimensions of Shabbat as we unlock a model for achieving balance and serenity in the modern age. We’ll uncover timeless principles for how to achieve a life of inner peace while making each workday more productive and fulfilling.


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On the Essence of Chassidus

In this landmark Chasidic discourse, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, explores the contribution of chasidus to a far deeper and expanded understanding of Torah. The Rebbe analyzes the relationship Chasidus has with Kabbalah, the various dimensions of the soul, the concept of Moshiach and the Divine attributes.
NOTE: This course is NOT for beginners. Please do not request this course if you have not read “GPS for the Soul” FIRST.


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Portions of Light

Teachings from the holy Baal Shem Tov on Torah and Festivals. The Baal Shem Tov taught in pithy, powerful homilies. Though based on profound mystical teachings and Talmudic scholarship, his words were transmitted in simple language, free of scholarly terminology so that both the average Jew would understand him, and the scholar would appreciate the ideas’ profundity.


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Portraits in Leadership

Discover inner courage, determination, and resilience in the life stories of legendary Talmudic figures. Witness the strength of human character in tales that are sure to resonate within your soul and inspire you to unleash the power within.

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Rambam: 13 Principles of Faith

The 13 Principles of Faith as established by Maimonides have helped guide the Jewish People for hundreds of years. This course will focus on the 8th Principle – the Divinity of the Torah. How do we know the Torah is divine? Is the Torah immutable? How do we reconcile apparent contradictions? A fascinating exploration deep into the underpinnings of Judaism.


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Strength and Struggle

In Strength and Struggle we unlock the secrets of great character by exploring some of the most dramatic narratives and inspiring personalities in all of history. Set in the midst of our nation’s formative years, an era in which our ancestors fought to carve out a civilization among hostile neighbors, these thrilling tales of judges, kings, and prophets reach into the essence of the human condition. Their heroes and antiheroes teach us eternal lessons of struggle and triumph, courage and humility, hope and resilience.

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The Festivals Series

Explore the story and details behind all the major Jewish holidays – High Holidays, Sukkot , Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Purim, Passover and Shavuot. Enjoy fascinating facts and insights that will elevate your holiday experience to whole new level!


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The Land and the Spirit

Many people love their homes and their countries, but once they relocate, they form new allegiances. They cannot trace the ancestral homeland that their families claimed two millennia ago, nor do they continue to long for those places. Yet no matter where they have lived, Jews have continued to dream about the land of Israel. Because Israel is different. It is a land that has pulsed with energy and mystery since the dawn of time, a land that has captured the imagination throughout history, a land that breathes with the glory of our past and the dreams of our future. And so Israel retains its hold upon our spirit. There is a deep connection that continues to tug at us, a magnetic pull that has not waned even though many have found safe haven elsewhere. Whether Israel makes us feel pride or disappointment, hope or concern, we care about its fate and its future. Whatever our political or religious bent, we know that Israel matters. If you have ever wondered about Israel and its place in the world – and in your heart – then this course is for you.

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What Is?

Imagine that you were able to rethink everything you knew about the universe, the laws of nature, your own consciousness, and the very idea of existence and reality. Imagine the new insights you will gain, the fresh perspective with which you will embark on the journey of life each morning.
What is? does exactly that. Drawing on the wisdom of Chassidic teaching, the most basic building blocks of existence are reexamined from the bottom up, revolutionizing our understanding of life, reality, and our place in the world.

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You be the Judge 2

Do you enjoy puzzles and problem-solving? Do you love the give-and-take of thoughtful discussion? Can you use logic and creativity to work your way out of challenging situations? Then this course is for you. This groundbreaking course, You Be The Judge, presented real cases brought before the Beit Din, the court system of Jewish Law. We provided the primary texts from the Talmud and asked our students to grapple with the facts in order to arrive at satisfying solutions. We are proud to present You Be The Judge II, a collection of six totally new cases. You need no prior knowledge of the Talmud and no formal legal training. There are no prerequisites other than an open mind.


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