How do we remain calm, relaxed, and focused at the most trying moments? How do we enter into a state of tranquility and live from a place of worry-free existence? Gate of Trust takes us on a transformational journey towards genuine trust, guiding us to a state of tranquil reliance on the all-powerful and compassionate G-d. Studying this vital work shows us how to confront and even transform unpredictable and challenging events by exercising and implementing the messages of genuine unyielding trust in G-d.
Introducing the Fellig edition of Shaar Habitachon (Gate of Trust) from Chovot Halevavot (Duties of the Heart)—the classical and timeless work authored by the eleventh-century Spanish scholar Rabbeinu Bachya ibn Pekuda. Published by Kehot Publication Society in partnership with Chayenu, this exciting new book features the Hebrew text with a new English translation, classical commentary, a fresh infusion of Chasidic and mystical teachings, and “bottom line” takeaways to help guide the reader.