The Annual Aleph Military Symposium and Shabbaton is a five-day professional military training conference held at our headquarters in Surfside, Florida. Our presenters include current and retired military figures, rabbis, and experts in fields relevant to service members of all branches and components. A featured element of the symposium is the Shabbaton experience as guests of the generous and welcoming community of Bal Harbour. The symposium is at once an academically rigorous military training event and a welcome respite from the daily grind with camaraderie, mentorship and community.
Previous presenters include: Chiefs of Chaplains of all branches of the US military, flag officers, sergeants major, and rabbinic scholars and experts.
The symposium is open to Jewish service members in all branches of the US military; enlisted and officers, combatants and professionals, active duty, Guardsmen and reservists. Aleph has limited discretionary funds available to assist those who cannot otherwise afford the cost of the symposium. Please contact us directly for more information.
NOTE: While families are welcome to attend and we will gladly host families at all meals, families will have to arrange lodging accommodations themselves.